Insulin pump therapy for type 2 diabetes.
When a person is newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, their healthcare professionals may offer various treatment options such as oral medication, insulin shots, or insulin pump therapy. People living with type 2 diabetes may choose insulin pump therapy as it requires fewer insulin injections or insulin shots.*
What are the advantages of insulin pump therapy over daily injections for type 2 diabetes?
Studies have shown that A1C reduction can significantly reduce the occurrence of long-term complications.1,2 With insulin pump therapy, you can worry less about your risk for long-term complications, such as:

Insulin pump therapy may reduce some of the hassles associated with other therapy options:
- Syringe or insulin pen
- Oral medication
- Using more insulin
Insulin pump therapy is clinically proven to reduce A1C better than multiple daily insulin shots for people living with type 2 diabetes.3

Insulin pump therapy. Live more. Worry less.
Instead of using long-acting insulin (like Lantus or Levemir), which can pool under your skin or not absorb evenly into your body, the insulin pump continuously delivers only rapid-acting insulin (like Humalog or NovoLog), which is absorbed more predictably.4 Studies show you’re up to six times more likely to achieve your target A1C with continuous insulin delivery than with shots.5
With insulin pump therapy, you can eat when you want and go on outings without worrying about injections. If you want to eat, just push a couple of buttons on the pump to get more insulin. If you want to delay a meal, you can.

Multiple shots per day can mean more than 120 shots per month. With insulin pump therapy, you only have to insert your infusion set 10 to 12 times per month.

How does an insulin pump work?
An insulin pump is a small device that mimics some of the ways a healthy pancreas works. It delivers continuous and customized doses of rapid-acting insulin 24 hours a day to match your body’s needs.
Introducing the MiniMed™ 630G insulin pump system
Ask your doctor about insulin pump therapy at your next visit! Print out the below brochure to take with you to your next office visit.
Who can benefit from insulin pump therapy?
You may be a candidate for insulin pump therapy if you:
- Are taking insulin injections
- Have an A1C greater than 7%
- Forget to take your insulin injections
- Have frequent high or low blood sugars
- Enjoy an active lifestyle
- Desire to spend less time managing your diabetes
Why wait? Get started on insulin pump therapy today.
* Assumes 4 injections per day for 30 days and one infusion set change every two to three days.
1 Holman RR, Paul SK, Bethel MA, Matthews DR, Neil HAW. 10-year follow-up of intensive glucose control in type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2008;359:1577-1589.
2 U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) Group. Intensive blood-glucose control with sulphonylureas or insulin compared with conventional treatment and risk of complication in patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33). The Lancet. 1998;352:837-853.
3 Reznik Y, Cohen O, Aronson R, et al, Insulin pump treatment compared with multiple daily injections for treatment of type 2 diabetes (OpT2mise): a randomized open-label controlled trial. The Lancet. 2014; 2014;384:1265-1272.
4 Lauritzen T, Pramming S, Deckert T, Binder C, Pharmacokinetics of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. Diabetologia. 1983;24(5):326-329.
5 Doyle EA, Weinzimer, Steffen AT, et al. A randomized, prospective trial comparing the efficacy of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion with multiple daily injections using insulin glargine. Diabetes Care. 2014;27(5)1554-1558.
Aronson R, Reznik Y, Conget I, et al. Sustained efficacy of insulin pump therapy compared with multiple daily injections in type 2 diabetes: 12 month data from the OpT2mise randomized trial. Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism. 2016;18:500–507.
Wolff-McDonagh, P, Kaufmann J, Foreman S, WisotskyS, WisotskyJ, Wexler C. Using insulin pump therapy in poorly controlled type 2 diabetes. The Diabetes Educator. 2010;36:657-665.
dQ&A Diabetes Connections Q4 2019 surveyed market share data, n = 172.
Customers who take part in the evaluation program will only be billed following the 6-week evaluation period if keeping the device. Insurance will be billed as normal and refunded if participant chooses not to keep the device and complies with program requirements. Offer only available to new type 2 diabetes MiniMed™ 630G system customers. See program agreement for more details. Program terms subject to change at any time and without notice.
Assumes four injections per day for 30 days and one infusion set change every two to three days.
Important Safety Information: MiniMed™ 630G System with SmartGuard™ Technology
Indicated for the continuous delivery of insulin, at set and variable rates, for the management of diabetes mellitus. MiniMed™ 630G system is approved for ages 14 years or older with Guardian™ Sensor 3 and MiniMed™ 630G system is approved for ages 16 years or older with Enlite™ sensor. Both systems require a prescription. Insulin infusion pumps and associated components of insulin infusion systems are limited to sale by or on the order of a physician and should only be used under the direction of a healthcare professional familiar with the risks of insulin pump therapy. Pump therapy is not recommended for people who are unwilling or unable to perform a minimum of four blood glucose tests per day. Pump therapy is not recommended for people who are unwilling or unable to maintain contact with their healthcare professional. Pump therapy is not recommended for people whose vision or hearing does not allow recognition of pump signals and alarms. Insulin pumps use rapid-acting insulin. If your insulin delivery is interrupted for any reason, you must be prepared to replace the missed insulin immediately. Replace the infusion set every 48–72 hours, or more frequently per your healthcare professional’s instructions. Insertion of a glucose sensor may cause bleeding or irritation at the insertion site. Consult a physician immediately if you experience significant pain or if you suspect that the site is infected. The information provided by CGM systems is intended to supplement, not replace, blood glucose information obtained using a blood glucose meter. A confirmatory fingerstick using a CONTOUR®NEXT LINK 2.4 meter is required prior to making adjustments to diabetes therapy. Always check the pump display when using a CONTOUR®NEXT LINK 2.4 meter, to ensure the glucose result shown agrees with the glucose results shown on the meter. Do not calibrate your CGM device or calculate a bolus using a result taken from an Alternative Site (palm) or a result from a control solution test. If a control solution test is out of range, please note that the result may be transmitted to your pump when in the “Always” send mode. It is not recommended to calibrate your CGM device when sensor or blood glucose values are changing rapidly, e.g., following a meal or physical exercise. The MiniMed™ 630G system is not intended to be used directly for preventing or treating hypoglycemia but to suspend insulin delivery when the user is unable to respond to the Suspend on low alarm and take measures to prevent or treat hypoglycemia themselves. Therapy to prevent or treat hypoglycemia should be administered according to the recommendations of the user’s healthcare provider.
WARNING: The SmartGuard™ Suspend on low feature will cause the pump to temporarily suspend insulin delivery for two hours when the sensor glucose reaches a set threshold. Under some conditions of use the pump can suspend again, resulting in very limited insulin delivery. Prolonged suspension can increase the risk of serious hyperglycemia, ketosis, and ketoacidosis. Before using the SmartGuard™ feature, it is important to read the SmartGuard™ feature information in the User Guide and discuss proper use of the feature with your healthcare provider.
See and the appropriate user guides for additional important details.
Insertion of a glucose sensor may cause bleeding or irritation at the insertion site. Consult a physician immediately if you experience significant pain or if you suspect that the site is infected. Please visit for more details.

The CONTOUR®NEXT LINK 2.4 Meter is used with the MiniMed™ 630G system.
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