10 tips for coping with diabetes

Sometimes you will have those days where you’re discouraged and feel completely overwhelmed with your diabetes. It’s important when you’re feeling this way to take a step back and challenge your perspective so you can find a way to stay motivated to keep moving forward.
Managing diabetes is an ongoing process, and there are so many daily tasks involved with your management, which can become challenging at times. We wanted to share some encouragement with you, so we asked the DOC to share the best advice someone has ever given them in life that they can apply to coping with diabetes. Here are 12 tips from the community we hope will make coping with diabetes easier for you.
1. Choose how to deal
“We don't always get to choose what happens to us, but we do get to choose how we deal with it! It's ok to be angry and frustrated with this. But use that anger and frustration to motivate you to take care of yourself. Because the more you take care of yourself the less this disease defines you!” - Kristin Sasha Bear McConnell
2. Listen to your body
“Everyone dealing with this is different. What they do to cope may not be good for you. Listen to your body and it will help you. And remember one thing, you are not alone.” - Cecelia Montague
3. Take care of yourself first
“Take care of yourself first, so you can take care of others and do anything you want.” - Rose Schonberger
4. Find the diabetes technology that works for you
“After being type I for more than 45 years, and being on the pump for 8, I can tell you that a pump is a MUST for great control as well enjoyable convenience.” - Mickey Cohen
5. Make the most of everyday
“Check your BG regularly, eat responsibly, exercise when you can, and know your limits. There are so many variables related to diabetes, just make the most of every single day.” - Ken Freeze
6. Connect with your local diabetes community
“Connect with your local diabetes community, some days finding the right people to ask may be tough. It's easier if you can hand that bottle to someone instead of hoping someone sees and responds.” - Douglas Scalia
7. Remove frustration from vocabulary
“Frustration is not in your vocabulary, because you are bound to make mistakes; diabetes and in Life.” - Andre Howard
8. Live a healthy, productive life
“People with diabetes can live healthy productive full lives. Diabetes is not a death sentence. You can work, have a family, go on adventures, and live to a ripe old age. Just take care of yourself and you can have it all!” - Tracy Gruszka Kimball
9. Accept the things you cannot change
I refused to accept that I had diabetes for a long time, and fought it instead of accepting it, and really learning how to manage it as early as possible. I'm doing better now, but spent way too many years of poor management due to my stubborn refusal to truly accept it.” – Steve Moskowitz
10. Be your own advocate
“Be your own advocate. Don't be afraid to speak up for yourself.” - Deanna Messerschmidt
Which one is your favorite piece of coping advice?