Que celebrating our resilient diabetes community

This month, we’re celebrating Diabetes Awareness Month in the U.S., and on November 14, we’ll celebrate World Diabetes Day . You’ll start to see videos of people bouncing blue balloons when scrolling through your feed so I wanted to explain why we launched our #BlueBalloonChallenge.
Diabetes is a constant balancing act — managing your Time in Range in addition to all the other things life throws your way on a daily basis takes strength, resilience, and grit. That’s where the blue balloon comes in – a literal symbol of that balancing act you do every single day. To show a glimpse into what life’s like for those navigating this journey. Your stories continue to inspire us and they’re what motivate us to do what we do, every day. Stories like Melanie’s also demonstrate that it takes a village sometimes and having a support system is absolutely critical. That’s why at Medtronic, we take great care to ensure that our teams are able to provide the support you need and that it’s delivered in the ways that are most meaningful to you.
I invite you to join me in this challenge to help spread awareness this Diabetes Awareness Month and World Diabetes Day. To take part, post a photo or video of you safely doing an activity while bouncing a blue balloon in the air and tag @medtronicdiabetes with the hashtag #blueballoonchallenge. For every post, Medtronic will donate $5 to Life for a Child. I did my challenge in our Northridge headquarters and it made me reflect on the important role we play in helping you keep that balloon up in the air as a key care partner throughout your diabetes journey. Please know we don’t take that honor and privilege for granted.
I’d love to hear how you are celebrating this World Diabetes Day. Let me know in the comments below. I look forward to reconnecting next month on the LOOP blog.
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