6 tips to help manage sick days

Being sick can be a real drag, even more so if you have diabetes. Managing your diabetes when you’re under the weather can be tricky, so we asked some of our MiniMed Ambassadors to share their sick day management tips. Here are 6 tips they shared that may help you manage your diabetes sick days. What tips do you have? Tell us in the comments below!
1. Test More Often
I always check my blood sugar about once per hour to make sure it isn’t running high or low during sick days. – Carling
For me, this means taking hourly blood glucose readings and ketone checks, and staying hydrated! – Jacob
2. Try To Eat Healthy Foods
My diet definitely changes when I am sick. I tend to eat foods that are easy on the stomach like plain bread or oatmeal. These foods do tend to have more carbs, so I make sure to balance my blood sugars by eliminating foods like dairy and high fat. – Carling
Eating may not sound fun when you are sick, but it is important you continue to eat to ensure you have energy. Find foods you are able to eat. I personally like soft foods like soups, yogurt, and applesauce. – Jacob
When my daughter can’t keep any food down, we alternate between sips of water to keep the ketones under control, and sips of juice so the insulin has something to work on. We have found that just testing and pumping in insulin without some type of carb in her stomach doesn’t help. – Sue
3. Keep Taking Insulin
If I’m able to keep down food, I like to put my pump temp basal rate on 110-120% to correct for this. If I’m not able to keep down food, then my blood sugars will even out with lack of exercise and I keep my settings the same. – Carling
Depending on my blood sugar and ketones, I may need to up my insulin dosage – this is something you should personalize with your doctor. – Jacob
If you find checking once an hour, and you are still running on the high side, check with your health care professional about temporary basal changes. – Mike
4. Drink Plenty of Fluids
“Liquids Kelly! You need to drink more liquids!” My mom preaches as she carries over an assortment of cans and bottles. Everything from orange juice, to the trusty flat can of sprite, is at the tip of my fingers the moment I mention I am feeling a little under the weather. The constant consumption of water has helped me kick several illnesses, from your everyday cold, to influenza. I’ve found that the combination of pushing fluids and getting extra sleep at night are some of the simplest ways to keep yourself healthy! – Kelly
I drink extra fluids, as my body needs them, and pay attention to how I’m doing. If I’m feeling dry, I increase my fluids that won’t increase my sugar levels. – Dave
5. Keep Doctor's Phone Number Handy
I normally would not call my doctor until the 2nd day of not feeling well. – Mike
I always contact my doctor when I cannot keep foods down. This can make it very difficult to regulate my blood sugars, so advice on temp basal rates can be quite helpful. – Carling If my daughter has been vomiting for more than 4 hours, and we start to see moderate levels of ketones, we call the doctor and follow her advice on how to proceed. – Sue
6. Rest, Rest, Rest
What makes me feel better, if I’m not too sick, is tomato soup and I Love Lucy. Ever since I was a kid. – Mike
I am a very active person, so when I’m sick, I usually test more often, sleep, and rest a lot more. It’s about keeping my blood sugars on track! Feeling under the weather is one thing, but being sick with bad blood sugars can make you feel absolutely terrible. – Carling
On sick days, your only job is to get better, so make sure to get some rest, and maybe watch a few cartoons too! – Jacob