Setting your Square Wave® Bolus
Device: MiniMed™ 630G insulin pump (MMT-1715K)
A Square Wave bolus delivers a single bolus evenly over an extended period of time, from 30 minutes to 8 hours. You might use a Square Wave bolus if you have delayed food digestion due to gastroparesis or meals high in fat, when snacking over a period of time, or if a Normal bolus causes your blood sugar to drop too rapidly.
The Square Wave bolus delivery option is available only after you turn on the Square Wave feature.
To turn on or off the Square Wave feature:
1. Select Menu.
2. Select Insulin Settings.
3. Select Dual/Square Wave.
4. Select Square Wave to turn the feature on or off.
5. Select Save.
To deliver a Square Wave bolus with the Bolus Wizard feature:
1. From the home screen, select Bolus.
2. Select Bolus Wizard.
3. If you are not using a wirelessly connected compatible meter, you can select BG to manually enter your BG meter reading.
4. Select Carbs to enter the amount of carbs in your food.
5. Review your calculated bolus amount in the Bolus field. To change the bolus amount, select Bolus and make your desired change.
6. Select Next to review your bolus information.
7. Select Square. The Bolus Wizard screen appears with your bolus amounts. Note, if there is a correction bolus amount calculated, you are not able to give a Square Wave bolus.
8. To change the time period for the delivery of the bolus, select Duration to adjust the time. The duration can be from 30 minutes to 8 hours, in 15 minute increments.
9. Select Deliver Bolus to start your bolus.
During a Square Wave bolus delivery, the Bolus button on your Home screen appears as Bolus (S). You can select Bolus (S) to stop the bolus, to see details on the insulin that has been delivered, or to access the Bolus menu. A Square Wave bolus can also be delivered as a Manual Bolus.