Remote Bolus
Device: MiniMed™ 630G insulin pump (MMT-1715K)
Remote Bolus allows you to send a Normal Bolus or Preset Bolus remotely from your meter. When the MiniMed 630G insulin pump is connected to the Contour®NEXT LINK 2.4 meter, it allows you to deliver a remote bolus from the pump. The Remote Bolus option on your pump must be turned on.
To turn on or off Remote Bolus:
1. Select Menu.
2. Press down to Utilities and press select.
3. Select Remote Bolus.
4. Select On when the Remote Bolus screen appears.
5. Select Save.
Do not calculate a bolus using a blood glucose meter results taken from an Alternative Site (palm) or from a control solution test.
Follow these steps to deliver a bolus from your meter:
1. If you have tested, press Bolus on the meter while the test result is displayed
From the menu, press Bolus.
2. Select Manual Bolus. If you have a Preset Bolus set in your pump, it can also be delivered from the meter.*
3. Use the UP button on the meter to set the bolus amount.
4. Press Yes to send the bolus from the meter to your pump.
5. A confirmation screen will appear on the meter.
6. The bolus delivery appears on the pump as it is delivering.